Congress first appropriated Complex Crises Fund (CCF) resources in 2010 to enable the USAID Administrator, in consultation with the U.S. Secretary of State, to support programs to prevent or respond to emerging or unforeseen complex crises overseas. CCF funding allows the U.S. government to respond to rapidly changing, complex crises that include a combination of humanitarian, political, and security dimensions. USAID deploys CCF when there is an unanticipated and overwhelming urgent need (or window of opportunity) where a U.S. government response will help stem the rise of violent conflict and instability or advance the consolidation of peace and democracy. CCF funding contributes to overarching U.S. national security goals and is critical in situations where neglecting to act could jeopardize foreign policy interests in the near-term or impede long-term development goals. USAID has utilized CCF in 36 countries to date. USAID’S Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization (CPS) manages CCF.


Belarus: CCF will provide support for Belarus' peaceful democratic movement, counteract attempts to manipulate and polarize Belarusian society, and help build the foundations for a sovereign and democratic Belarus that contributes to regional stability. CCF activities will focus on expanding public access to and demand for non-State media; combating disinformation; and supporting civil society actors to develop and communicate a unifying vision for a democratic Belarus. ($8 million)

Chad: CCF will improve the prospects for a stable, successful transition to civilian-led, democratic government. CCF resources will enable the U.S. government to provide timely support for Chad’s transition process, leveraging key developments including the ruling Transitional Military Council’s (TMC) pledge to oversee a peaceful, democratic transfer of power, the African Union’s appointment of a special envoy to advance Chad’s transition process, and the establishment of a new Government of Chad State Minister for National Reconciliation and Dialogue. ($3 million)

Kenya: CCF will prevent and mitigate potential violence and conflict around Kenya’s 2022 electoral cycle. Multiple factors could trigger violence during the 2022 electoral cycle such as the possibility of amending the constitution, emerging ethnic and class-based political mobilization, and the impact of COVID-19 and a declining economy. CCF activities will address the urgent need to establish or strengthen mechanisms to prevent and mitigate conflict and violence, including gender-based violence (GBV) and violence against women in politics, before, during, and after the election period. ($6 million)

Libya: CCF resources will assist in strengthening key local capacities and capabilities that increase the likelihood of elections being successfully held and to strategically detect and mitigate threats to the success of the elections and political transition. CCF will fund activities to support Libya’s democratic transition and advance a unified and inclusive government capable of providing services to its citizens. CCF resources will help increase the effectiveness of key Libyan governance institutions, including as it relates to building capacity for a transparent and inclusive electoral process and credible delivery of services to the Libyan people. ($10 million)

West African Littorals: CCF is responding to urgent needs to shore up stability across the countries of Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, and Togo, and will address internal threats to stability. CCF assistance will be part of a broader USAID response to improve stability in the West African Littorals and work to proactively address issues contributing to fragility in an increasingly volatile region. ($10 million)

Ethiopia: CCF contributes to Ethiopia’s transition to a democratic, resilient, and prosperous country through the implementation of the Ethiopian Government’s New Horizons of Hope reform agenda.  CCF activities will focus on: 1) supporting the ability of the Government of Ethiopia to effectively implement and communicate reforms; and 2) strengthening channels for inclusive, participatory dialogue and engagement between citizens and government during this critical transition period. ($10 million)

Guatemala: CCF supports efforts to mitigate conflict and violence in the context of the COVID-19 crisis in the Western Highlands, a region particularly vulnerable to outward migration. Activities work to strengthen the capacity of key public institutions and civil society organizations involved in conflict management; reduce levels of violence and conflict within target areas and populations; and increase citizen voice and participation in peacebuilding efforts, including support for women, youth, and indigenous peoples. ($6 million)

Kyrgyz Republic: CCF supports efforts to promote a peaceful political transition, mitigate risks of instability, and prevent democratic backsliding. Activities focus on countering malign actors who seek to disrupt democratic processes; facilitating legitimate parliamentary and presidential elections; and enabling an inclusive political reform process based on respect for human rights, peace, and democracy.  ($6 million)

Sudan: CCF supports activities to promote a successful transition to civilian-led, democratic government at the end of the current transitional period. Activities focus primarily on the peripheries to support citizen engagement with political institutions, conflict mitigation, transitional justice, and planning for a peaceful, democratic state. ($15 million)


  • Start Date: 2010
  • USAID Appropriations to Date: $413 million (including transfers) 
  • Activities Funded to Date: $340 million
  • Contact: CCF Secretariat (